I hope you enjoy your custom crochet
ballerina from Crochet In Demand!
This ballerina is made from soft mercerized cotton yarn
that provides strength and luster.
You should keep it out of dusty areas.
It can be wiped down with a damp cloth but if it should have
an epic performance; tough stains can be spot cleaned with a mild
detergent and toothbrush, rinsed and allowed to air dry.
Machine washing should be done on gentle cycle, reshape, and allow to air dry. Do not place in the dryer as that may cause separation of parts as may too hot a temperature in the wash. Remove tutu and tiara before machine washing and drying.
I hope you’ll leave a review on your order on my website
and share any collection pictures!
Submit a review here!
To purchase or request a custom item go to the shop now!
I hope to craft your next IN Demand crochet gift!