5/30/2013 0 Comments What's in a name?I have another website and another company name-Crochet On Demand (past blog posts are available there)
When I started out crocheting and decided I wanted to make a business of it. There was much brainstorming among myself and close family and friends about what I should name my crochet business. My brother had said I was being quite OCD about crocheting once I learned and started trying to make any pattern I could find and figuring out my own patterns. Just one row more, just one stitch...I can't stop until I'm on an even row... On and on it would go. So we tried to figure out a name from those letters and it hit us- Crochet On Demand! It encompassed the premise for my crochet business and fit me. But as I continued to get great word of mouth sales, I still hadn't broken or even reached as many people as I knew I could if I also showcased my work on an established stage. Then I thought, if you're really serious or at least serious enough that you want to create for other folks, then get an Etsy page already and show those looking for handcrafted gifts what you can make for them. But all my delaying had created one problem for me, someone was already using my name for their username and though there wasn't a shop with the name, I just couldn't have it. I searched and searched, then thought, maybe I tried to create a page when I started Crochet On Demand and then didn't quite get the items up there (sounds like something I might do)...but none of my email addresses matched any known ones in the system and I tried them ALL. So once again it was back to the drawing board for a name and then being bummed about all the work I had put into getting Crochet On Demand out there. But what could I use that would be close enough but not so drastically different? And then it hit me, Crochet IN Demand. For your IN demand crochet gifts and accessory needs...and though there's not much to say and the rest is history, since I'm still getting this new name out there...it did help me build a cohesive "brand" for myself. I've focused on what I want my packaging to be and promotional materials to look like. I took some elements of what I had built with Crochet On Demand and enhanced them on the new site and am trying to take it further. The word of mouth is still great and I have a steady clientele. but I want to reach more people. But if you're thinking of taking my name....I've still got it on lock for another 2 years and I've got plans for Crochet ON Demand!
AuthorI'm a self taught "hooker". Archives |